Rocky Horror Lets Do the Time Warp Again Review

The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again (TV Movie 2016) Poster

"Information technology's Worse Than I Imagined"

The original picture show of The Rocky Horror Film Show was flawed and at times sloppy, only it was brimming with heart and a 18-carat weirdness of character. Information technology could be confusing to follow at times simply it remained a more often than not direct-faced homage to the weird scientific discipline films of the 1950s with the added attraction of sexual and gender twisting, but crucially presented without comment or focus - this is one of the reasons it succeeded and then well and why it became an hole-and-corner hit.

This new version of this classic motion-picture show made certain to disembowel the original, reach up and pull out its center, and to and so airbrush the empty husk that remained.

One of the major downfalls is the absolutely lifeless soundtrack recordings of the songs: they sound as if they have been compressed and muted of life to ensure that nobody's center rises above sixty beats per minutes. Over this limp soundtrack the characters mime their songs, by and large badly, some not fifty-fifty making a huge effort to even sync up at times (particularly guilty of this is Columbia).

Every bit to the casting, gone are the private characteristics and introduced are a parade of generically handsome and pretty boys and gals with all the individuality of a Toys R Us dolls aisle. The original worked considering information technology was played mainly straight; the new version gives usa hammy overacting with too much self-awareness which obviously does nada to depict an audience in; it's equally if the new production had either never watched the original moving picture or had and so grossly misread it every bit to exist well-nigh imbecilic. Talking of Frankestein, we are treated to an on-the-olfactory organ depiction of Mary Shelley's gravestone, despite the fact she died in London, England; anything to ram down our throats the Frankenstein connectedness! In the original film Rocky was slightly neanderthal in appearance - blankish expression that reminded us of Frankenstein's monster (after all that'due south what he represents) with a hard muscular body, with tight buns showing through tight golden undies; the new Rocky looks similar a gym-bro with dipped highlights who may or may not be slightly constipated: he is more Brut than fauna.

Dr Frank-N-Furter, crucially, is a transvestite not a transsexual - Transsexual is the proper noun of the planet. The stunt casting of Laverne Cox is badly done: whereas the original had a skinny flat-chested Tim Curry working brilliantly as a transvestite, Laverne Cox is a female Dr Frank-N-Furter and, as the transvestite she sings almost existence, should be dressed in a male attire: this casting was sick-thought-out. I enjoyed Laverne in Orangish in the New Blackness only her attempts to channel Tim Curry's origination of Frank-Due north-Furter is embarrassing: the British accent is all over the place, oftentimes with an American twang at the end of phrases, and oftentimes sounded like it's being strangled out of her. Her rendition of 'I'm Going Home' at the climax should take been emotional and stirring, equally in the original, only it was in fact as empty equally the preceding hour and a half had been. Speaking of the climax, Riff-Raff and Magenta strongly resembled a pair of Ruby-red Dwarf villains in their silver get-up, and the castle aging brought to heed the onetime British children'south evidence Knightmare.

The pic also suffered from an well-nigh total lack of graphic symbol delineation - far more-so than even the original which, every bit I said before, certain had its sloppy moments of confusion. Magenta and Columbia were more marginal than in the original and Eddie's cameo was nigh completely pointless if not for the fact that he is used as a postmortem device later on on in the pic.

The film also suffered from a real lack of chemistry, not only betwixt the viewer and the cast but also between cast members; Rocky and Janet's chamber scene lacked any sexuality or tension any: Hank drinking Manny's corpse-h2o in Swiss Army Man was more romantic and sexual than this white-bread colourless scene; non to mention the bed-hopping hilarity of the original was almost entirely airbrushed to be every bit inoffensive every bit possible.

The nod to the cult of audience participation at theatrical showings of the film fell very flat also - the audition seemed to be a TV exec's idea of what edgy, weird, not-mainstream people looked similar in the 1980s (Tv punks) and 1990s (TV grunge).

The saddest crime of all was the rolling in of stroke-victim Tim Curry in a pathetic effort to give credence and validation to this travesty - the simply moments of any emotion in the film were when he appeared on screen and my middle filled with sadness at what they had persuaded him to do, and to watch him valiantly attempt his line-readings.

I am not looking forward to an bloodless version of Cronenberg'southward / Burroughs' "Naked Luncheon".

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5 /10

Casting Laverne Cox was a big mistake

Warning: Spoilers

Now don't go me wrong, she performed fine, sang reasonably well and had 'mental attitude'. But she'south likewise feminine! The whole point, at least for me, of the Frank Due north Furter graphic symbol is that it's obviously a GUY dressed every bit a woman, ie a TRANSVESTITE! Not transgender, non a woman. A human. Think well-nigh information technology, Brad and Janet aren't going to think hey, that's a guy wearing risqué women's article of clothing. No, they're going to think information technology's a tall woman with big boobs wearing risqué clothing. The stupor value is reduced. And while we're on the subject of daze value, they totally messed upward the Frank entrance scene after Time Warp. Then, afterwards, the whole dynamic of Frank catastrophe up in bed with both Brad and Janet is substantially altered if Frank is a woman. But retrieve most it!

I've given information technology five/10 mostly because they did a fairly good task with the songs and who can go incorrect with those? But, exacerbated by the monumentally annoying commercial breaks, information technology's really not worth watching this. Buy or rent the original instead, it's much much better.

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2 /ten

It's a Rocky Horror alright

'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' is a film that still holds up to me every bit enormous fun and is a groovy experience when seeing it at a midnight showing which adds to the atmosphere. In that location are a lot of people who don't see the appeal and understandably, every bit it is non a picture for all tastes.

What makes 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' still smashing fun to watch are its timeless songs (especially "Fourth dimension Warp" and "Sweet Transvestite"), a clever and very funny script, a wonderfully naughty and risqué temper that pushed boundaries like no film had e'er before and Tim Back-scratch'due south landmark functioning that equitably turned him into a star. Whether you like it or not, information technology is hard to deny that it is an ahead of its time pic and that at that place's very few if whatever films like information technology.

It is always fairer to judge something every bit its own entity, but there are times where information technology is very difficult to compare two versions when so much that worked so well previously fares disastrously here. That is the case with this 2022 Television receiver production, as an adaptation of the film and even the stage show information technology's an abomination but it is also an instance of something where people would still be making the same criticisms without having seen or needing to encounter the original.

Redeeming values are very difficult to notice on the whole, but ii things are done well. Ane is the cool opening scene in one of the few song renditions that treats the previous film version's with even a shade of respect. The other is the courageous operation of Tim Curry in the very small part of the Criminologist, despite being so badly diminished by his stroke four years agone that hasn't stopped him doing what he loves and information technology's non stopped him giving a sincere, moving and authoritative functioning.

Still, the product does suffer badly from being too clean and too glamorous in product values when part of the film'southward charm was its decadence and that information technology feels far too watered down and as well safe, there's very niggling to none of the sense that the picture pushed boundaries or what made it and so daring, wickedly naughty and unique. Despite the songs being so great themselves, the re-arrangements certainly aren't, sounding and performed like they came from 'Glee' or something from the Disney Aqueduct. But "Scientific discipline Fiction" and "Hot Patootie" are treated with respect, with "Fourth dimension Warp" being an absolute train-wreck in every regard and "Sweet Transvestite" was merely tedious with Frank's archway (iconic earlier) defective impact completely.

As for the script, little of the naughtiness and wit comes through due to erratic and also fast line delivery, so the lines feel similar they were thrown away rather than relished. Bated from Curry, another huge issue is bad casting. Topping or matching Tim Curry is impossible, but Laverne Cox (also accept to concur that Frank does not work when played as a woman, which points the point of the character, causing distracting and constant gender confusion that were very probable accidental) fifty-fifty as a standalone functioning tries far too hard that everything virtually her operation becomes flat and forced.

Ryan McCarten and Victoria Justice audio, look and act like they were auditioning for 'Glee', while Ben Vereen is a forgettable Dr Scott weirdly fabricated up, Reeve Carney overdoes information technology as Riff Raff and strains his way through his whole music, Christina Milian is nowhere virtually sinister or conniving enough every bit Magenta and Annaleigh Ashford sleepwalks her fashion through Columbia. Adam Lambert also had potential to be a redeeming quality and while his singing is brilliant he would take made a much improve Frank, he is besides polished and theatrical for Eddie. Chemistry betwixt the performers is not-existent and the choreography is both leaden and overblown performed with lumbering energy.

Overall, a huge disappointment fifty-fifty when watching it with an open up mind and without prejudice. Did think information technology was not a good idea but have been pleasantly surprised by how potentially bad ideas have really been executed well, only this TV production fails spectacularly when compared and on its own. 2/10 Bethany Cox

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Condescendingly self-aware

First things first, I was amidst the few who was genuinely excited about this remake. I thoroughly enjoyed 2015's "Rocky Horror Show Live" (cheque You Tube) and the various other musical Boob tube productions of recent years. However, my enthusiasm gradually transformed into disgust for what I was witnessing. When I was in inferior high and high schoolhouse, I was ridiculed for my obsessive love of Rocky Horror. Then in 1991, Fob debuted the movie for Halloween and the next solar day, the very same kids who'd made fun of me were Time Warping in the school hallway. Information technology was weird, and I later on realized that was THE moment when RHPS began to mutate from a destructive cult thing to a mainstream classic. Watching this glossy travesty, I found myself overwhelmed past that aforementioned uneasy feeling I had a quarter-century ago later on Flim-flam offset aired the moving-picture show.

Information technology took me a while to figure out the problem with the 2022 version. The cast and crew bestowed it with the same respect that audiences take shown the film in theaters for decades: They've treated information technology like it'south schlock to exist made fun of. At that place were certainly campy winks and nods in the original, but when it came time for the characters to emote, yous believed Tim Curry could abruptly snap and violently murder someone or Susan Sarandon was having spontaneous orgasms. Those nuances are mostly absent in the performances here, and it's then cocky-aware and Disney-fied that it's kind of insulting. It'south one thing for the audience to mock the screen, but well-nigh of the actors are mocking the characters that they themselves are portraying, which only doesn't work.

The dishonor of worst operation goes to Ben Vereen, who was woefully miscast as Dr. Scott. Placing the black Vereen in the office of uncle to white Adam Lambert's Eddie was a questionable conclusion to begin with, but Vereen mugs his way through his scenes, acting as if he's starring in some insipid kiddie comedy. It'south downright baroque. Runner-up in the worst performer category goes to Laverne Cox, who gives an admittedly exuberant but ultimately hollow functioning as the mad scientist. Cox offered none of the underlying menace that Curry displayed in the part (Tim Curry could impale you, merely Laverne Cox only seems capable of a whopping bitchslap) and she played it similar she was the singular star in a glitzy drag show, mimicking Back-scratch's syllables and vocal inflections with an annoying, fluctuating British/Southern Belle accent. The good Franks (Anthony Caput, for example) fully inhabited the grapheme and injected it with their own postage stamp, which Cox did non.

Mayhap the worst aspect of this production (overlooking the fact that the dancers aren't doing the steps being audibly described in the titular Time Warp) is how they've systematically whitewashed the rampant sexuality which was so pivotal to the flimsy plot. Today sexual deviancy is socially acceptable, other network TV offerings frequently devolve into scenes that would have once been considered X-rated -- and the Fob network aired the original picture numerous times throughout the 1990s with minimal trims, so there's really no excuse. Casting Cox every bit a woman (regardless of the fact that she used to be a dude) completely undermines the story of the wholesome Leave it to Beaver couple being torn autonomously by a kinky sex freak. It was the gay community which embraced the movie dorsum in the '70s, we have at least one openly gay and 1 transgendered star, and nevertheless virtually all traces of homosexuality (likewise as incest) were eliminated. It's oddly incongruous and completely destroys the narrative.

That'due south not to say that everything's bad. Adam Lambert and Ivy Levan are stand-outs as Eddie and the Usherette. Annaleigh Ashford gave a radically dissimilar interpretation of Columbia which works well, given the character's story arc. Similarly, Reeve Carney made Riff-Raff his own. Victoria Justice has an awesome singing voice. Tim Curry lends an appropriate air of dignity, and although he was physically unable to practice all the things that his part required (such as turning the pages of a book), they came upwardly with an inventive workaround. Nice to meet him again, even in poor health. Unfortunately, the cons FAR outweigh the pros in this production.

By and large speaking, the remake that no ane wanted (dating back to the days when MTV was going to do information technology) has lived up to all of the hateful hype. It brings nothing new to the table, it'due south like a pallid carbon-copy on tissue paper. Your best bet's to stick with the original, see the 2022 version or catch a live bear witness instead.

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1 /10

They really screwed the pooch with this ane folks.

I'm non sure where to begin. I have no idea what they were going for simply boy, did they miss in every attribute. We had to end watching. Information technology didn't capture the essence, information technology was not a adept homage and it was only evidently bad. We just can't imagine who would come with such an atrocious idea similar remaking such a perfect classic. I utilise the term "remake" ever and so loosely. Our expectations were low, considering how good the original was and nosotros were expecting some new voices honoring some erstwhile songs and music, but once didn't happen.

If you are even slightly, the tiniest fan of the original, this rendition will make you nauseous. It is that bad.

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I gave information technology a two for costumes and it's rocky horror. Only this sucks. What were they thinking with the changes to the music and the unnecessary vocalism changes? The only thespian they got right was riff raff. How can you lot possibly practice worse than the original? Completely lack any sort of spark, put a woman in the role of Frank, place it in an sometime movie house, and have some of the worst acting I've ever seen.

Why would they bring in Adam lambert and not brand him frank? And do tell me why Columbia isn't falling all over Eddie.

Information technology's actually painful to watch. And I'm seriously not sure how much more I can stand.

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one /10


This remake attempts to stay true to the original. While the story line modifications are plumbing fixtures the performances are lacking the emotion of the original.

The musical performances also stay truthful to the original, which I enjoyed simply it was very hard to get over the overproduction of the vocal performances every bit it clearly highlights the lip syncing. I feel that if the vocal performances were recorded during filming that it would exist much better.

The acting lacks any emotion. It'due south like watching the cast going through the motions and running lines to an empty audience.

I desire to give a better rating, but this is not how we should exist honouring a archetype.

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1 /10

A insult

Warning: Spoilers

A insult to the original, astonishingly bad, amazing that many people involved in the original were involved in this travesty. I guess they idea it would make some money, how wrong, the pic should have never been fabricated. If yous sentry this y'all wouldn't want to see the classic version equally you would be put off, true Rocky fans can't stand this either, it'south just awful, miscast, bad interim, glee performances and over produced garbage. Unwatchable, avoid like the plague and watch the fabulous original, that one you want regret ! It'due south genius.

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Lacked whatsoever life.

I've been a fan of Rocky Horror for equally long every bit I can recollect and I've seen it live on stage a couple f times and love seeing different ideas and approaches to it simply unfortunately this falls pretty flat. A small few of the bandage were proficient, the guy playing Riff-Raff did quite well and I enjoyed watching him, and I did observe seeing Tim Back-scratch equally the narrator with some odd Rosa Klebb type quite funny. But the woman playing Magenta only annoyed me as I've always loved Magenta and near plenty all the people I've a seen playing her, manifestly Pat Quinn every bit the original is my favourite because she is just fabulous, but the woman in this version simply wasted the character, she gave off the impression she just thought "oh it'southward a minor part then I'm not going to bother" and just turned up and did whatever. Janet was pretty adept but Brad was more annoying than anything. And the biggie, Frank. Well though the graphic symbol had some amazing costumes it was not Frank. Frank is a human being in women's lingerie (hence the sugariness transvestite) not a adult female in lingerie. It does not work. It simply contradicts itself. It was more similar watching Grace Jones.

The visuals left much to exist desired. It felt empty all the away through, similar they only could not really be bothered so it lacked real life. Same goes for the music, it just lacked life and soul. The choreography was shabby and non washed well really.

Over all really it just seemed drab, lifeless, and half arsed. Just watch the original or go sentry it alive, you will savour information technology more.

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i /10

Don't dream it, be it.

If that one line had been in the minds of anybody involved the show may have been better. I institute the changes to the testify inappropriate. In that location was a specific formula within the show that allowed the character types to play off one some other. Yet, that still would not have saved the show.

The actors did well at hitting their marks and proverb their lines. Information technology reminded me of myself when reading out loud in 4th grade. This is where don't dream information technology, be information technology comes information technology. If the actors embraced their characters and brought them to life, and then the show could have been successful, simply they didn't. Yes, they moved to their spot and barked out their words like proficient actors. Beyond that, there was nothing in their performance that made me want to believe they were the characters they were portraying.

If you want to come across RHPS, go and lookout man the original at a theater that volition permit people to act out the roles on stage.

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4 /10

Seriously? A remake of TRHPS? Merely why?...

Past all that is unholy, why? Why remake the 1975 classic? It just made no sense in any way. But yet I took the time to sit down down and spotter the 2022 remake titled "The Rocky Horror Moving-picture show: Let'southward Do the Time Warp Once again" when I got the take chances. Curiosity is a strange thing, isn't it? I will be the first to acknowledge that I was already wearing a negative neckband before the moving-picture show had even started, considering director Kenny Ortega was messing with a masterpiece in the musical genre.

The songs will take some time getting used to, because I take grown accustomed to the original versions and hold them upwards against the original. And from the very commencement song, it was sort of running coldly down the back of my neck, because it only sounded wrong and it felt like I was committing a sin in watching this. The songs had undergone a flake of modify. For the improve? Well, that depends on who you enquire. Merely me, equally a long-time fan of the original, then information technology didn't sit well with me that the songs were retouched and modified in this way. But fair is off-white, the songs themselves are not bad, they are but not the originals. For for a new audience the songs would be great.

Information technology should be said that they had an impressive product value to this remake. But again, then overly unnecessary to remake what was already perfect and timeless. So why do the Timewarp once again?

It was nice to run across Tim Curry make an appearance in this 2022 remake, despite not reprising the function of Dr. Frank-N-Furter. So at least the remake does pay some respect and homage to the original and too gives a nod in the direction of usa long-fourth dimension fans of the original musical.

As for the bandage, well they had some adept plenty talents on the cast list, though I can't actually claim to be overly familiar with the people there. But they were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters.

I am feeling somewhat ambivalent almost the characters, because there are singled-out similarities, but also deviations from the original ones. Reeve Carney was doing an almost a frame-by-frame re-create of Richard O'Brien in the role of Riff Raff. Sure, I can acknowledge and understand the choice of Laverne Cox every bit Frank-North-Furter given the transsexual matter, merely she was no Tim Curry every bit the original Frank-N-Furter, not fifty-fifty reaching him to the knees. Really, most of the character were a hard pill to swallow if you are a fan of the original 1975 version, but Reeve Carney and Laverne Cox were the 2 that proved the most bitter.

It was a flake odd and distracting to take the flick alternate between the events in the story and showcasing the audience participation in the theater. It only didn't had a natural period to it.

Non existence able to properly sing forth was a major setback for the movie, particularly when watched past us long-time fans of the original. Sure, we knew the exact words, but the timing and delivery was just freakishly distorted and warped.

Visually then "The Rocky Horror Flick Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again" was interesting and quite much in the essence and spirit of the 1975 version, though it was spruced upwardly to a more contemporary time, for ameliorate or worse.

This musical is suitable for viewers whom like musicals and whom may for some unknown reason have eluded getting acquainted with the original 1975 masterpiece. And I tin in all honesty say that I have now watched this 2022 remake once, but it will never be watched over again, considering it was bluntly merely and then upsetting that they remade the original piece.

I am a big fan of the original 1975 version, as you clearly tin can run into from my words here, simply I can't claim to ever become a fan of the 2022 remake.

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3 /10

What for? Why?

"The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)" is a cult-movie of ane generation. Fans have been worshiping this film since its release in 1975. Groovy cast, witty screenplay and story, wonderful songs and passionate performances and direction. Therefore, this original picture show should be respected by producers and directors.

"The Rocky Horror Picture Bear witness: Let's Do the Fourth dimension Warp Again" is a poor and lame remake of the classic cult movie and fans of this picture show will certainly be highly disappointed. The bisexual Laverne Cox is awful when comparing with Tim Back-scratch in the original film. The screenplay is terrible and my question is: "- What for and why this remake? It is better off watching the 1975 classic once again than spending time watching this dreadful remake. My vote is three.

Championship (Brazil): Non Available

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5 /10

Was on board until Frank-n-Furter

Beloved the new opening (re-envisioned) Beloved the supporting bandage (especially Riff-Raff), and I was diving into the pool. . . nifty slap-up swell . . enjoying it. Like showing the audience. Loving the new music and trip the light fantastic toe I was ALL IN. . .until. . . um

Dr. Frank-N-Furter. The character needs to be BOLD and shocking and BOTH masculine AND feminine at the same time. Needs to be playful, tearing, and sexual or the premise does non work. FnF needs to take command of the phase AND seduce everyone. In leather and fishnet stockings. The seduction is what MAKES the bear witness.

Where was the raw sexual activity appeal? The boldness, the Master toying with a mouse? The line, "Don't be upset past the way I await" fell flat with a tentative FnF wearing a red sequined dress from Golden Girls.

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1 /10

When you endeavor to set something that isn't broken!!!

So, every bit a huuuuuge lover of the original RHPS and after seeing a well-made version in a theather that left me happy, comes this.. without any charisma, uniqueness, nerve or talent (sorry I had to copy RuPaul there..). Reeve Carney was the just decent matter almost this and that ain't much, trust me. Did they drug poor Tim Curry to brand a sad cameo? Ir mayhap threaten him in a gunpoint? Anyway, I will rather eat broken glass than watch this always again.

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1 /10

For the love of.....

I'yard non certain I know where to begin with this.

Having been to the theatre on several occasions to see this in London in the early 90s, I mistakenly thought that a filmed version, with a bigger upkeep and ability to edit, would brand it even more outrageous and glorious. With diabolical miming and lacklustre performances to choreography that a kindergartener might be proud of, the whole matter is total and utter bilge. And what the hell is that emphasis, Laverne? It reminds me of a high-school performance, only information technology's less charming and far more amateur.

I'm astonished that Richard O'Brien gave his blessing for this travesty - for that is precisely what information technology is. It lacks any of the sense of fun and whimsy of the phase or previous screen performances and if you are a traditionalist when it comes to Rocky Horror, I implore you to avert this at all costs.

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1 /ten

Sad day for Rocky Horror fans

I cannot believe Tim Curry actually agreed to be a part of this. They have taken a cult classic and ruined it. The dialog is horrible and over dramatized making these actors and actresses seem similar heart school kids doing their first play. Truly sad that some talented people had to be a role of this production. The changes to the musical numbers further ruin this version. The only thing that they seem to have gotten right are the grapheme names and the full general plot. i would allocate this as either a very bad tribute to the original or a full mockery of the original and the cast. If this is y'all first introduction to Rocky Horror please, delight watch the original instead of this.

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ii /10

Non worth the fourth dimension information technology took to watch

I beloved the original Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I am a huge fan of Laverne Cox, so I was really excited to see how an updated version would plow out. Only I am but disappointed. The best part of the moving picture was Tim Curry, I but wish he had more screen time. Once more, while I am a huge fan of Laverne Cox, and she didn't butcher the function like the actor playing Columbia did, she really didn't do the role justice. I don't know if casting a male actor would have been better, or if it's just because no one could concur a candle to Tim Curry'south performance, just this Dr. Frank-N-Furter really left me wanting more from the performance. Reeve Carney did an amazing task as Riff Raff, and the roles of Brad, Janet, and Rocky were wonderfully filled. Other than those four roles (and of course, Tim Back-scratch), I feel the whole show was improperly cast. Especially Columbia, who just seemed to be reaching too far and falling as well brusque every time she was on screen. Magenta wasn't great, but wasn't bad either. She was but there. Really, they just should have left a classic alone, because this was only a thwarting.

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1 /10

20 minutes into this so and I'm regretting it.

Alert: Spoilers

In the late seventy'due south nosotros used to go to the theater and watch the original. Before they banned using lighters in theaters. The characters, if over the top, were 3 dimensional. There were things you could see in their faces and hear in their voices that told you they were actually in that location. So far in this bear witness all of the songs come off as apartment. If there is whatever emotion in the characters faces or voices it seems forced (every bit if the director said "Y'all MUST EMOTE"). A woman playing a transvestite that dresses like a adult female seems a lilliputian off as well. Columbia can't tap dance, they endeavor to comprehend it up with sound effects but it's very obvious she'southward non dancing. It'south depressing to someone like myself that grew upwardly with this show and actually went one time dressed every bit Magenta (I'm a guy, a 50 yr erstwhile guy) I think I'll turn this off and go dig up my onetime VHS and watch that. It'south infinitely amend.

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1 /10


Warning: Spoilers

The original Rocky was all well-nigh the stunning music arrangements and the wonderful performances etc At what point didn't someone say "heh guys these new versions don't work!" If y'all've seen the original you will hate it, if you haven't seen the original y'all will also detest information technology ! At that place's just no point to it, there'south been many bad remakes of classic films and musicals over the years simply I struggle to notice annihilation that is worse than this, I am amazed that the vivid Richard O' Brien (who wrote the original) didn't stop information technology happening when he could see how bad information technology was becoming! I can only assume he had signed away rights to stop this pointless awful remake! There's not words to express how bad this is compared to the original classic, so so yourself a favour avert it and lookout the get-go. What a waste of coin.

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1 /10

Waste of Time

Just awful.............looked like information technology was filmed in a HS Gym...casting was horrible! Could not even watch this mess of a product. The original was sublime. This was a mess from the starting time. I stopped watching after a half hour that I will never go dorsum. Shame on the people who thought that they could re-make a classic. Adam Lambert looked similar some bedlamite and he has then much talent that is was a shame to run into what they made him exercise. Not the Meatloaf from the original. He had the potential to blow the roof off this role but was just a mess. Tim Back-scratch looked similar he needed to be in a home. This production made me so aroused of the mess it created that all I tin say is DO NOT WATCH THIS. WOW...what a waste of fourth dimension and money and NO TALENT. But become abroad horrible remake.

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1 /10

There are 3 good things nearly this RHPS:

They are: 1. Ivy Levan as the Usherette. Her sticking her natural language out when she says "Janet" is a overnice nod for long time fans. Sadly, she's basically gone afterwards Science Fiction/Double Feature; 2. Victoria Justice every bit Janet. Decent voice and performance, and looks terrific in her underwear; and 3. Annaleigh Ashford equally Columbia infuses her own life into the role. Little changes like how she delivers "slowly, slowly, it's too nice a job to rush" are great. Later on that...well...all the rest of the mediocrity is made unwatchable considering Laverne Cox as Frank N Furter but ruins every scene she'southward in. Her accent is across horrific. She moves similar a drunk Tina Turner and honestly destroys what might have been a marginally-passable RHPS tribute. A slap in Richard O'Brien'due south face up.

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1 /10

Really not certain what to say

Warning: Spoilers

I grew upwardly watching the original Rocky Horror Movie Bear witness and that I loved. Every part of it, the bandage the music all of it.

Then I watched this remake.....

Other then a few small things (Like the Crawly Tim Curry being in it) I was left disappointed.

Far too many scenes had parts missing or felt empty and yes I know sure things had to exist inverse for TV simply for example and yes SPOILER the graphic symbol Eddie's death was far more than violent in the original or hell fifty-fifty the Fourth dimension Warp scene and the song beingness changed that was not OK.

Information technology felt more like a teen pop movie at times rather then this violent, creepy, sexual thing it actually should have been.

Don't ask me to recommend this version for anyone considering I would never.

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1 /10

I wish Hollywood would brand a People'south LIST of projects NEVER to have a remake/reboot or whatever resemblance to the original!

Some projects (typically highly dated which IS WHY they are so special) should NEVER be attempted to be remade in whatsoever type of way. I don't retrieve I'm beingness extremist or in any way unreasonable. Rocky Horror had a place, a fourth dimension in history when the idea of a woman having a tattoo was laughable as what happens in the original picture. Not funny now every bit people take called to become walking billboards or 'works of art' or 'personal expression', etc. I of MANY of the jokes Not applicable anymore in the world today. In fact the characters in The Rocky Horror Motion-picture show Show from 1976 after it finished on phase every bit a love testify In London. Trivia...only Two of the characters from the stage production were kept for the movie version. Tim Back-scratch every bit Franken Furter and author/actor Richard O' Brien equally Riff Raff. And ALL the master characters DID sing and dance. Meatloaf got his big pause existence in this film version every bit another fleck of trivia if anyone withal remembers who Meatloaf is.

Can anyone imagine a remake of the offset Pirates of the Caribbean trying to supercede Johnny Depp? And so many more than I won't waste material the time hither. AND some remakes turned out to be BETTER than the original version or only evidently different such as Scarface. Each version is awesome, merely are VERY unlike. The Star Trek reboot and then far has been generally very good and in the first moving-picture show information technology covered WHY there was a different cast playing the same characters but in their own way since situations and circumstances had been changed from the start with the time travel of the rogue Romulan who wants revenge confronting the original Spock. 1 of the few time travel stories Abrams got correct and didn't make stupid.

I suggest that if ANYONE with the resources wants to do yet another remake of Rocky Horror. I advise make it a Broadway show with very talented performers ALLOWING Total Audience PARTICIPATION minus the lighters since people apply cellphones for lights these days. And follow everything washed EXACTLY equally it was washed I the original theater production.

Final thought...with all the novels and excellent comic book stories not just of superheroes in beingness. Make something good from them since information technology's so rare anything original comes out of Hollywood since the 1980s.

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1 /ten

Weak contains spoilers

Alarm: Spoilers

A expert solid endeavour if this was done past a high schoolhouse drama class. Every bit for a remake they did go on true to the story line. The scenes they changed I didn't see a point in doing, just change for alter'due south sake.

The sound quality wasn't proficient. the original, from 1975, sounded better. For a musical it was hard to hear what was being sung. The soundtrack from the days of eight rail tapes sounds better than a modern prove. This was not an accident. It was washed to cover people who can't sing and / or bad product.

I did like the meatloaf joke. The audience participation that was included in this version. Too, an un-credited cameo by the comedian Carrot Height as a background dancer.

Casting was a mess. I'k just thankful they didn't go with Johnny Knoxville for the coil of Eddie. They went as well far diversifying the cast. Black uncle with a white nephew and white blood brother with a black sis. Laverne Cox can't sing or human action. Ironically she got this chore solely for the fact that she has a penis. Shame on you Tim Back-scratch, did you need the money?

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1 /10

A Existent Horror!

I was so looking forrard to this version. Idea the casting of LaVerne Cox was smashing. But sadly, There is no vision to this flat production.Typical mast-shot-direction then cut to shut ups. I've seen high school musical more entertaining.

The opening number gave promise just it's downhill after that. Horribly directed with multiple cameras covering up that there was no inspiration to exist creative. If the creative had is dead information technology works information technology'southward way through every attribute of this torrid product. Lots of practiced talent wasted. Cox, Lambert, et al, sorry. Y'all guys gave it good endeavor. Watch the original over this!

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