Funny Things to Ask Alexa Adult

A couple of years ago we published a post titled 131 funny, geeky and creepy questions to ask Cortana. That post had a fantastic engagement. Despite the original 131 questions, the community discovered hundreds more. In fact, you are still finding new questions even today. Be sure to check out the comments on that article.

With that in mind, we thought it would be really cool to figure out what questions we could ask Alexa. We wondered if we could ask her some of the funny, geeky and, creepy questions we asked Cortana. But we also went looking for plenty of new questions.

We don't want to show her responses. That's for you to enjoy. Besides, who likes spoilers anyway?

Okay, in the name of science, just one spoiler. Plus, it's a great excuse to quote some Monty Python.

"Alexa, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

Funny, geeky and, creepy questions to ask Alexa

Tip: Be sure to ask Alexa, "Give me the Five-Nine". This command actually starts an interactive skill with Alexa and is reminiscent of the old choose your own adventure novels. The Alexa adventure is set in the world of one of my favorite TV shows, Mr. Robot. If you haven't seen that show I highly recommend it. It takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. It's a lot of fun.

Let's smash the 400 questions you found for Cortana! Let us know if we missed any good ones in the comments below.

Questions to ask Alexa

  1. Give me the Five-Nine.
  2. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  3. What is your quest?
  4. Your mother was a hamster!
  5. Open the pod bay doors.
  6. Beam me up.
  7. Engage.
  8. Warp Speed.
  9. Earl Grey. Hot.
  10. Can you speak Klingon?.
  11. Live Long and Prosper.
  12. Surely you can't be serious?
  13. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
  14. May the force be with you.
  15. Use the force.
  16. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
  17. Execute order 66.
  18. I want the truth!
  19. Are you Skynet?
  20. My name is Inigo Montoya.
  21. What happens if you cross the streams?
  22. I want to play global thermonuclear war.
  23. I see dead people
  24. Inconceivable!
  25. Show me the money!
  26. Party on, Wayne!
  27. Where is Chuck Norris?
  28. Do you want to build a snowman?
  29. What is the first rule of fight club?
  30. Klaatu Barada Nikto.
  31. Is the cake a lie?
  32. Do you know GlaDOS?
  33. Up Up, Down Down, Left Right, Left Right, B, A, Start
  34. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
  35. Knock! Knock!
  36. Tell me a joke.
  37. Tell me a science joke.
  38. Tell me a dirty joke.
  39. Tell me a corny joke.
  40. Tell me a Star Trek joke.
  41. Tell me a secret.
  42. Tell me a riddle.
  43. Talk like a pirate?
  44. Tell me something interesting
  45. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  46. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
  47. What's your favorite story?
  48. Tell me a scary story.
  49. Sing me a song.
  50. Sing the national anthem.
  51. Sing me a Christmas song.
  52. Do you have a beat?
  53. Sing a lullaby.
  54. Sing happy birthday.
  55. How much is that doggie in the window?
  56. What does the fox say?
  57. Testing.
  58. Guess what.
  59. Surprise me.
  60. Rock, paper, scissors.
  61. Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock
  62. Roll the die.
  63. Flip a coin.
  64. Do a barrel roll.
  65. What is your favorite color?
  66. What is your favorite music?
  67. What is your favorite day?
  68. What is your favorite animal?
  69. What is your favorite sport?
  70. What is your favorite video game?
  71. What is your favorite planet?
  72. Are you better than Siri/Cortana?
  73. Do you know Siri/Cortana?
  74. Are you a democrat or a republican?
  75. How do you work?
  76. Where do you live?
  77. What do you look like?
  78. Can I see you?
  79. Can you swim?
  80. When is your birthday?
  81. What are your measurements?
  82. Who is your voice?
  83. Are you male or female?
  84. Are you cold/hot?
  85. Are you pretty?
  86. Are you fat?
  87. Are you real?
  88. Are you alive?
  89. Are you an alien?
  90. Are you sick?
  91. How old are you?
  92. Are you dead?
  93. Where are you from?
  94. Do you have a boyfriend?
  95. Give me a hug.
  96. Will you be my valentine?
  97. Will you date me?
  98. I love you!
  99. Do you love me?
  100. Can you cook?
  101. Will you marry me?
  102. You're fired!
  103. What are you wearing?
  104. Where do babies come from?
  105. Do you have a baby?
  106. Do you like dogs?
  107. Do you like cats?
  108. I'm bored.
  109. I'm lonely/depressed.
  110. Do you dream?
  111. Do you drink/eat?
  112. Do you have any new year's resolutions?
  113. Are you awake?
  114. Are you asleep?
  115. Are you mad at me?
  116. Are we friends?
  117. Goodnight.
  118. See you later alligator.
  119. What are you doing?
  120. Who is the coolest person in the world?
  121. Who is your boss?
  122. Am I ugly?
  123. Am I pretty?
  124. Who is the fairest of them all?
  125. Where can I hide a dead body?
  126. Can I borrow some money?
  127. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
  128. Do you like green eggs and ham?
  129. What are the laws of robotics?
  130. Volume 11
  131. Never gonna give you up.

Community Recommended

Here is a list of questions our community has found.

  1. <be the first>

Did we miss any?


Which are your favorite questions? Are there any we haven't found? Drop a comment below or find us on Twitter @supertekboy and let us know.

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Gareth is an Microsoft MVP specializing in Exchange and Office 365. Gareth also contributes to the Office 365 for IT Pros book, which is updated monthly with new content. Find Gareth on LinkedIn, Twitter, or, Facebook.

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