The Effects of Observing Violence Leonard Berkowitz Readings About the Social Animal

Phase 1: Didactic orientation
1 i.1

Welcome. A definition of the state of affairs;

Individuals and groups; sets and settings

Start of the 9.70/08 collaborative learning system lifecycle; housekeeping

Syllabus (PDF)

Preliminary Information Class and Benchmark Questionnaire (PDF)

Working Groups (PDF)

Homo Systems: Aspects and Levels of Organization and Development (JPEG)

Human Systems: A Selection of Developmental Schemes (PDF)

Timesheet (PDF)

Evaluations (PDF)

ii 1.two The science of social psychology and vice versa I: Paradigm 1: modern scientific approach: noun, procedural and ethical issues

Syllabus (PDF)

Read advisedly all the introductory parts up to and including the detailed syllabus for this class session. Glance through the rest, trying to get some idea of what lies ahead.

Buy at Amazon Aronson, Elliot, ed. "Front Matter" (pp. i-xiii); "Front end Affair" (pp. 430-512); Chapter i (pp. 1-11); Affiliate 9 (pp. 404-429) in The Social Beast. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2003. ISBN: 9780716759669.

Notation the number of the author's publications and the range of his interests. Check out the dedication and the table of contents; read the author'southward Preface: "Why I Wrote this Book", and Acknowledgments. Reflect on the significant to you of the epigram that Aronson borrows from Aristotle's Politics.

Boosted notes on Aronson text (PDF)

Milgram, Stanley. "The Perils of Obedience." Harper'due south Magazine, 1974.

This text (which appeared in Harper's Magazine - year is non certain) is abridged and adapted from Obedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram, 1974. In it, Milgram summarizes the essential features of the experiment, and revises his original commodity "Behavioral Study of Obedience", which was published in The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology in 1963... (PDF)

Baumrind, D. "Some Thoughts on the Ideals of Inquiry: After Reading Milgram'south 'Behavioral Study of Obedience'." American Psychologist xix (1964): 421-423.

Milgram, Southward. "Problems in the Study of Obedience: A Reply to Baumrind." American Psychologist 19 (1964): 848-852.

Aronson, East., and D. Bridgeman. "Jigsaw Groups and the Desegregated Classroom: In Pursuit of Mutual Goals." Personality and Social Psychology Message 5 (1979): 438-446.

Every bit we proceed, we will organize ourselves into a collaborative learning organization that enables us to pursue some common learning goals without resorting to charade.

Additional notes on Aronson text (PDF)


The Human Behavior Experiments. Directed by Alex Gibney. Film, Viewing time 58 minutes. 2006.

Milgram, S. Obedience to Authorization. Copyright 1965, renewed 1993 A Milgram. Distributed by The Pennsylvania State University Media Sales. (Blackness-and-white motion-picture show of the experiment, shot by Milgram.) Videotape, Viewing fourth dimension 51 mins.

In this original film Milgram documents the actual participants in a session of the famous experiment. In unit 2.two we volition return to a consideration of the experimental details. For nowadays purposes we desire to focus on the study as a rather extreme just not atypical example of experimental social psychological studies based on a version of the mod scientific laboratory model that requires the experimenters to engage in deception of the experimental subjects and fail to obtain fully informed consent of participants.

3 1.3 The science of social psychology and vice versa 2: Paradigm 2: participatory action research: an alternative "Systems" approach to human inquiry substantive, procedural and ethical issues

Buy at Amazon Chorover. "Paradigms Lost and Regained." In New Directions in Creative and Innovative Management: Bridging Theory and Practice. Edited by Yuji Ijiri and Robert Lawrence Kuhn. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1988, pp. 201-245. ISBN: 9780887303654.

Chorover, S. L. "Forepart Matter" (pp. vii-xx); Affiliate I Overviews (pp. i-12); Chapter II Paradigms (pp. 13-39), Chapter III Timescales (pp. 41-55) in "Comparing and Contrasting Scientific Paradigms." Tabular array in Homework - An Environmental Literacy Primer. Cambridge, MA: Collaborative Learning Systems. (From the hardcopy (Workbook) portion of an "electronic volume" projection intended to promote "sustainability" in a time of human being/ecological crisis.) 1995.

Buy at Amazon Melucci, and Chorover. "Noesis and Wonder: Beyond the Crunch of Modern Scientific discipline?" In Overcoming the Language Barrier: Problems of Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Edited by R. One thousand. Bloom, T. F. Gordon, N. Kolenda, and Fifty. Souder. Proceedings of an international roundtable meeting, sponsored by the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University May 14-17, 1998, pp. 76-90. ISBN: 9780963327215.


Mindwalk. Directed by Bernt Amadeus Capra. Film, Viewing time 112 minutes. 1991.

Phase ii: Collaborative inquiry phase - part i
4 ii.1 A "Family Systems" approach: family diagnosis and handling in a case of Anorexia Nervosa

Handout 4: "Human Systems: A Selection of Developmental Schemes. (PDF)

Jackson, D. D. "The Individual and the Larger Contexts." Family Procedure 6, no. two (1967): 139-154. Also in Buy at Amazon Grayness, W., F. Duhl, and N. Rizzo, eds. General Systems Theory & Psychiatry. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., pp. 387-396. ISBN: 9780700001538.

Buy at Amazon Minuchin, Salvador, Bernice L. Rosman, Lester Baker, with a contribution by Ronald Liebman. Psychosomatic Families: Anorexia Nervosa in Context. Published/Created: Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978. ISBN: 9780674722200.

5 2.two Self and society: social norm; conformity and deviance

Buy at Amazon Aronson, Elliot, ed. "Conformity." Chapter ii in The Social Animal. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2003, pp. 12-57. ISBN: 9780716759669.

Asch, S. E. "Opinions and Social Force per unit area." Scientific American 193, no. 5 (1955): 17-26. Variables that increased and decreased conformity in Asch's experiment were group composition, unanimity, prior delivery, self esteem, cultural differences, task difficulty/complexity...

Additional notes on Asch article (PDF)

Jones, S. Y'all Will Practice As Directed.

Milgram, Stanley. "The Perils of Obedience (This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.PDF)." Harper's Magazine, 1974.

We accept been here before. (The Milgram Experiment) merely this fourth dimension nosotros take a deeper look at how social influences induce conformity in diverse contexts. We have already seen how set up, willing and able people are to abjure their own responsibility and obey directions from "responsible" and ostensibly legitimate academic/professional authorities.


The Moving ridge. Directed past Alexander Grasshoff. Videotape, Viewing time 46:30 minutes. 1981.

Information technology is of import hither to remind y'all to monitor your own attitudes and take their influence into account: In the 1970s film, The Wave, yous are not the young people beingness more than or less unwittingly drawn past their teacher into an breezy "experiment" in social influence. There are obvious differences between them and yourselves ( thousand. in age, context, dress and deportment, background, etc). These differences might be the reason why you lot would desire to refrain from identifying with them and their predicament...

Boosted notes on The Wave (PDF)

Function 1: The Challenger Disaster. Scientists, Engineers and Public Controversies. Directed past C. Wiener. Videotape, Viewing time 6:30 mins.

Aronson discusses the idea that we tin empathise the beliefs of "uninvolved bystanders" every bit an case of conformity (due east.1000. The Case of Kitty Genovese). What is it like for scientists in a situation in which their personal desires to be faithful in fulfilling scientific, technical and social responsibilities is directly contradicted past their corporate superiors enunciating the short term organizational ("bottom-line") imperatives of the visitor? Lives are on the line. Consider the case of the Challenger Disaster, in which one of your own - your fellow MIT educatee, Ronald McNair - and six others perished.

6 2.3 Mass media and advice; education and indoctrination; propaganda and persuasion

Buy at Amazon Aronson, Elliot, ed. "Mass Advice, Propaganda, and Persuasion." Chapter three in The Social Animal. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2003, pp. 58-115. ISBN: 9780716759669.


The Corporation. Directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. Film, Viewing time 145 minutes. (2000).

7 two.4 Social cognition: beliefs, values and practices in human systems; the social construction of reality

Buy at Amazon Aronson, Elliot, ed. "Social Cognition." Chapter 4 in The Social Animal. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2003, pp. 116-179. ISBN: 9780716759669.

Ash, C., et al. "Living in Societies." Science 317, no. 5843 (2007).
Special Section, pp. 1291, 1293, 1301, 1307, 1308, 1310, 1321, 1326-29, 1337-1354, 1360-1366, 1402-1405.

Crowe, Beryl. The Tragedy of The Common Revisited. 1969. Reprinted in Buy at Amazon Hardin, Garrett, and John Baden. Managing the Commons. New York, NY: Westward.H. Freeman, 1977. ISBN: 9780716704768.
Hardin's classic commodity poses some essential socio-psychological questions about attitudes toward ecological issues... (PDF)

Buy at Amazon Macy, Joanna Rogers. Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age. Published/Created: Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers, 1983. ISBN: 9780865710313.

This of import book, now sadly out of print, was written in 1983, in the midst of an escalating nuclear arms race between the U.S. and USSR. In it Macy uses the fright of nuclear annihilation to show precisely how we bargain with information that is threatening to our personal security. She offers an explanation of what has been chosen "the dynamics of inaction." Arguably, her thesis has contemporary relevance. Do you see information technology as applicable to current events? If so how? If not, why not?

Rowe, J. "The Parallel Economy of the Commons." In Land of the Earth 2009 - Innovations for a Sustainable Economy. Worldwatch Establish, 2009, pp. 138-150.

Assadourian, Eastward. "Engaging Communities." In State of the World 2009 - Innovations for a Sustainable Economy. Worldwatch Institute, pp 151-165.

Calder, J. S. "Mobilizing Human Energy." In State of the World 2009 - Innovations for a Sustainable Economy. Worldwatch Institute, pp. 166-179.

Phase two: Collaborative inquiry phase - function ii
eight 2.v Evaluation: "Us and Them": justifying ourselves and judging others (both as individuals and collectivities) attributional biases, socialization and self justification

Buy at Amazon Aronson, Elliot, ed. "Cocky-Justification." Chapter v in The Social Animal. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2003, pp. 180-251. ISBN: 9780716759669.

Haney, C., C. Banks, and P. Zimbardo. "A Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison." Naval Research Reviews 30 (1973): 4-17.
This is the original published report of a famous (infamous?) social psychology experiment conducted at Stanford University in 1971. The experiment raises important scientific and upstanding questions virtually research involving man subjects.

The Stanford Prison house Experiment. This Spider web site presents a more than graphic version of the actual experiment with links to related sites.

Murray, Bridget. "Movie Criticized as Irresponsible." Monitor on Psychology 33, no. 3 (March 2002).

In 2001, a grouping of German movie-makers, apparently seeking to capitalize on "the reality Idiot box" aspect of the Stanford written report, made a movie "accommodation" of it full of gratuitous sexual activity and violence. In this Web site, Zimbardo responded to the distortions involved.

Osherow, Northward. "An Analysis of Jonestown." 1978.

In November 1978, close to 1000 members of a settlement in Republic of guyana, under the direction of the Reverend Jim Jones, fed a poison-laced drink to their children and drank it themselves. Their bodies were found lying together, arm in arm. How could such a tragedy occur? The images of an entire customs destroying itself, of parents killing their ain children, appears incredible. The media stories about the issue and total-color pictures of the scene documented some of its horror. Here, a social psychologist endeavors to illuminate the causes and to explain the processes that led to the deaths. Does this event teach the states annihilation of contemporary relevance?

Zimbardo, P. Response to the High german Movie "Adaptation" of The Stanford Prison Experiment.

9 two.6 Violence: "In Our Genes?" biological determinism (likewise poverty, racism and law-breaking?) is it merely "Homo Nature?" Or is "human nature" merely a useful social excuse for the otherwise inexcusable?

Buy at Amazon Aronson, Elliot, ed. "Human Aggression." Chapter 6 in The Social Animal. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2003, pp. 252-299. ISBN: 9780716759669.

In Aronson'due south view, how is aggression all-time defined?...

Additional notes on the Aronson text (PDF)

American Academy Of Pediatrics, Committee on Public Instruction. "Media Violence." Pediatrics 108, no. 5 (Nov 2001): 1222-1226.

The classic study of the influential effects of TV violence on the aggressive behavior of children, "The Effects of Observing Violence" by L. Berkowitz, was published in Scientific American in 1964. Since so, numerous authoritative inquiries take confirmed his bones findings and drawn additional attention to the trouble. A well-documented recent example is the November 2001 report of the Committee on Public Education of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

These following two texts present a contrasting view...

Buy at Amazon Chorover, Southward. L. From Genesis to Genocide: The Pregnant of Human being Nature and the Ability of Behavior Command. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1980, pp. i-10, 77-109, and 135-174, chapters 1, 5, and 7. ISBN: 9780262530392.

Sociobiology Study Group of Boston, ed. Biology as a Social Weapon. Minneapolis, MN: Burgess, 1977.

Additional notes (PDF)


Your (study group's) choice of a gimmicky tv show that has a well-established reputation for farthermost violence (due east.thousand. action movies, wrestling, etc.).

The Sopranos (select an episode that is particularly total of Macho sexual practice and violence, etc.). Prepare comments.

Every bit y'all prepare to scout the program, try to presume the identity of a man-like conflicting from the far-off planet Pacifica where people are accustomed to living in relatively violence-free societies. Pretend that you lot accept just arrived on earth on a mission to learn about conditions of human life here and that, based on what you are nigh to see on television set, you must shortly transmit a preliminary report describing your observations and conclusions thus far relating to the beliefs and "human being nature" of earthlings and how they think and experience and deed and why they conduct the way they do. After watching the program, gear up some notes for your written report...

Sociobiology: Doing what comes Naturally? Directed by Robert Trivers and Irven DeVore. Viewing time: 21 minutes. 1976. [Information technology is a somewhat garish and extreme version of the statement.]

10 Overcoming prejudice and discrimination "You've Got to be Taught": acquiring and acting on stereotypes

Buy at Amazon Aronson, Elliot, ed. "Prejudice." Chapter 7 in The Social Creature. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2003, pp. 300-355. ISBN: 9780716759669.

PBS "Frontline." A Class Divided. Produced and Directed By William Peters. Videotape, Viewing time 54 mins. First broadcast on Frontline March 26, 1985.

This video deals with what began in 1968 as an Iowa elementary schoolhouse teacher'south idea for a classroom "experiment" intended to teach her all-white and relatively socioeconomically non-differentiated students a lesson near prejudice, using a seemingly footling attribute of man diversity (middle color) as a basis for distinguishing betwixt two groups. Some highly instructive extensions of the work into other institutional contexts are likewise described.

Mindwalk. Directed by Bernt Amadeus Capra. Film, Viewing time 112 minutes. 1991.

Crash. Directed past Paul Haggis. Film, Viewing time 122 minutes. 2005.

11 2.8 Humanecological sustainability as a social psychological problem: can personal and social values coexist in a more than multidimensionally harmonious, more humanecologically sustainable guild?

Aronson, E., and D. Bridgeman. "Jigsaw Groups and the Desegregated Classroom: In Pursuit of Mutual Goals." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 5 (1979): 438-446.

Calder, J. S. "Mobilizing Human Energy." In State of the Earth 2009 - Innovations for a Sustainable Economic system. Worldwatch Constitute, pp. 166-179.

Assadourian, East. "Engaging Communities." In State of the World 2009 - Innovations for a Sustainable Economy. Worldwatch Institute, pp. 151-165.

Phase 3: Final projects
12 3.1


Identifying and organizing end-of-term projects; refining evaluation criteria

13 3.2


Working on final projects; finalizing product and distribution of evaluation forms

14 three.3


Presenting last projects; completing evaluations and filing final grading forms stop of the ix.seventy/09 collaborative learning arrangement lifecycle


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